I suppose I can't let an entire calendar year lapse on the old blogspot account! Most [ok- all] of the updates this year were on our parallel site this year [meyermatteson.blogspot.com] for good reason. But we do have some honeymoon travels yet to be properly documented, so in 2013 have hope.
I knew that Cheez-It's presence was a good omen
We did manage to make it out to see some Irish football, catching them in the cold, grey [and wet] October skies narrowly defeating eventual Pac-12 champ Stanford. And Notre Dame managed to run out a little win streak through November- we'll see if they can eke out another one over Alabama in a week!
I almost did another Bears post earlier this season, but it would have basically been cutting and pasting fromprevious Bears entries. This just in: Lovie Smith is out. I must admit, it improves our offensive line about as much as all of their previous offseason moves have.
And thanks to a bust of an Apocalypse, 2012 will now always be remembered for Gangnam Style. I actually saw the Gandalf parody first, so please enjoy. See you next year.