
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

30 October 2011

Hallowed Ground

Tales from the domestic journal...

Fall's in full swing. Hit up a farmstand today, and although it was too late pick some apples in person, managed to snag some baking apples, a mini-pumpkin, and a ziploc bag full of popcorn kernels. By the time we got home, a cold rain was falling.

So tonight probably should have been Halloween, since the majority of my trick-or-treating memories involved 50ish degrees and a light drizzle. Going house-to-house somewhere between a fast walk and a slow jog, the plastic pumpkin bucket giving way to a simple pillowcase in my later years. Attacking neighborhoods one-by-one, trying to figure out how to loop back and hit both sides of the streets with the least amount of backtracking. Trying to remember where we got those king-sized candy bars from last year...

Just watch out for those nasty caramels.

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