
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

17 September 2010

Reach for It

Ah yes, September. The start of football, school, cooling days, and, once every few years, the debut of the latest Halo game. I don't think it will surprise many readers to hear that I'm a big video game fan. Although I probably hide it well except for occasional photos of Rock Banding that make it past the censors. I've had an Xbox 360 since I began full-time working; so after playing Halo 2 only on friends' consoles, I've managed to play Halo 3, ODST, and Reach from their release date.

Games themselves have really come a long way in telling stories. I'd say many of today's games are on par with some of the stuff Hollywood puts out [ok, not the really good stuff, but there is a lot of crap]. Many movies are half-computer generated anyway. And Halo has always been known for its outstanding music score as much as the gameplay itself. And if a game is really good, its cost-to-entertainment value is really a steal.

A couple of friends of mine and I have met up practically every Tuesday evening online for our 'Halo Tuesday'. While it allows us to team up and shoot aliens/people, it also lets us catch up on other things, not unlike a teleconference. If only real teleconferences were so fun. Besides, there are worse ways to keep in touch. Of course: the more, the merrier; if you see us on [here's a link to my 'gamertag'], join the fight.

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