
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

20 October 2010

Past Blast: Trieste

The Castle Miramare
Trieste is located in far northeast Italy, facing Venice from across the top of the Adriatic Sea. It is also along Italy's border with Slovenia, and it became part of Italy only after WWI. Its multicultural heritage is clearly seen among the numerous Roman ruins, Austro-Hungarian downtown, and Venice-like waterfront.

A long, 4-mile stone-paved coastal walk called the Barcola leads from downtown Trieste to the Castle Miramare. Originally built for a Habsburg Archduke, the castle stands on a point looking out at the Adriatic and is surrounded by an extensive garden.

Trieste's Municipio
Downtown, the Piazza Unità d'Italia [The Plaza of United Italy] is said to be Europe's largest open urban space facing a body of water [mmm... qualifiers!]. Guidebooks only called it Italy's largest piazza. Either way, the sea breeze kept the plaza nice and cool. The city's Municipio [City Hall] dominates the short closed end of the space. There is a funicular train up the hills around the city as well, allowing for grand panoramic views of the city and sea.

For a day trip between Italy and Slovenia, Trieste worked. I still remember the pesto & salami lunch we enjoyed on the Barcola hike, and the downtown is small enough to see in a few hours. If you stay the night, you can watch the sun set over the Adriatic Sea, this being the only city in Italy you can do so.


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