
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

13 October 2010

Smarter than the Average Phone

The Motorola Backflip
After 3+ years of owning the cutting-edge Razr phone V3, the battery had dwindled to a point that I needed a trip to my friendly local AT&T outlet bazaar [side note: I recently saw a 2005 episode of How I Met Your Mother featuring a Razr. And that was 2 years before I got mine]. Although there was a bit of a wait due to so many people trying to pack it like an Apple Store, we found out that 'upgrading' to a smart phone only requires the added data plan... so after purchasing their finest, cheapest smartphone and data service plan I was officially part of the 21st century again.

I could have obtained an iPhone for a similar price, but already was leaning [due to some Mark-brainwashing?] toward an Android. So far I've used it almost exclusively on wifi networks, where it helped me keep track of da Bears when out of town last weekend. Haven't downloaded too many apps: so far only Twidroyd [twitter], Gmail, and Google Skymap [I'll let you know next time I'm somewhere I can see the stars clearly].

For now, I'm keeping Facebook and Foursquare off... The former I may as well save for my computer, and the latter still seems a bit TMI for me. Although I do love 'achieving' things. We'll see; if it turns out to be more convenient to pop on Foursquare to figure out where everybody is, things may change.

Also took care of my lack of portable digital camera... I tried it out this past Columbus Day golfing with Grandma. FYI: her tee shot here landed on the green, and she got par [3]. Not bad for 80 years young.

Right down the middle!

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