
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

15 December 2010


Christmas is getting closer by the minute- which means so are a few trips driving between Chicago and Cincinnati. The ~5 hour drive [always losing an hour going east, and gaining 1 west] through practically all of Indiana has few highlights. Indianapolis, while having a couple trivia-worthy facts [most-centrally-located state capital in the USA, and the second-most populous behind Phoenix], is usually bypassed via I-465. A slew of odd, often quasi-religious billboards [probably worthy of another post sometime] make an appearance.

A windfarm worthy of Funkenschlag
The undisputed highlight of the drive is when the tall, silent wind turbines of the Fowler Ridge Wind Farm begin to creep over the horizon. I-65 cuts right through the heart of the farm, so line after line of the windmills twirl slowly by. Twice I've driven past people who have parked on the shoulder and brave the highway traffic to get some photographs. The ones gracing this page are courtesy of Cassie's passenger-seat photography.

At night the turbines continue to spin, but each tower is topped with a synchronized, flashing red light so that the entire wind farm lights up from horizon to horizon at the same time. Very, very creepy. Webcomic got it right. The speed that they rotate [WHOOSH... WHOOSH... WHOOSH...] is hypnotizing. Can't wait to see 'em again!

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