
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

10 August 2010

Past Blast: Neuschwanstein Castle

Previously, in Germany:

A trip post-College but pre-Real-World included a Mike's Bike Tour in Bavaria near Neuschwanstein Castle. Despite an overcast day and my camera not zooming, the castle still provided a dramatic approach:

The castle was built in the late 1800s by a crazed Ludwig II... and is best known America-side as the inspiration for Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty castle. "I can't believe somebody built that" is a common reaction. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a dramatic reveal -- I must say. So... next question is, when do we go back? I'd say that bike tour was worth it and more.
