
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

05 August 2010

TV Timeout

As the Fall TV schedules begin to make their rounds, it seems like the same-old same-old. CBS showing the same old folks' crime procedurals. NBC having a deep-voiced announcer saying how 'dramatic' and 'new' its latest bunch of soon-to-fail-because-they're-trying-too-hard shows. ABC... well, we'll see how they come back to a year without LOST.

Am I the only one tired of shows that go on-and-on-and-on indefinitely, until people just don't care anymore? Until the cast has been picked apart, or jumped ship? From what little I know about English Television, it seems most of their shows- be it drama, comedy, or travishamockery- are limited in their runs, and capped around 2 seasons. So the characters are fresh their entire run, storylines are wrapped up and concluded, and comedic bits don't have to be stretched out beyond their Use-By dates [see: The Simpsons].

I've wondered how a show would do, keeping the same actors and characters each season, but each year completely changing the setting. Maybe have a few 'winks' back to a previous year, but make it about how characters adapt to their situation. What if these guys, who were mutual enemies last season, existed as buddy cops this year? [OK, that sort of came from LOST] And while sexy-times relationships would exist, at least they could match up new couples without all the wacky, fake drama they usually use.

So the news that Steve Carell is leaving the Office, but that "The Office Shall Go On"... can't say I'm on the edge of my seat on that one. Maybe they'll pull it off. Maybe I'll forget to turn it on.

/Rant. At least there'll always be Football.