
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

16 November 2010

Past Blast: Montpelier

The Vermont State House
Montpelier City Hall
One of the more difficult state capitals to remember [at least if you're not from New England], Montpelier is also the smallest in population [~7,700 people]. Sitting in the Winooski River valley among the Green Mountains, the drive into town twists and turns between exposed granite cliffs. I visited in January 2009, so there was plenty of snow on the ground [White Christmas anyone?].

The Vermont State House found its place in Montpelier due to the city's relatively central location in Vermont. Civil War era cannon still sit under the front portico, souvenirs from the state's service to the Union. A free audio tour is available, if you miss the also-free Guided tours.

Interesting foundation...
The downtown is easily walkable, and has plenty of small sandwich shops/cafes to grab a bite in. Many bridges jump over a small branch of the Winooski river, and even a building manages to straddle the water. If you're willing to drive a little, you can easily reach Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Factory in nearby Waterbury, VT. A $3 tour will net you a tasty sample at the end... worth it.


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