
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

12 November 2010

Sweep, Sweep TV

November: time for the broadcasters to pull some strings, and get some ratings!

Living without a DVR/cable- yes it has been tough [had to watch Mad Men S4 via iTunes. Pain in the rear]. But it has also made me a little pickier when it comes to donating time to the television. So a few of my quickfire network midseason reviews:

Hell's Kitchen- I don't know how we started watching this, but cooking competition shows are usually pretty good, this is the best I've seen on a network. Maybe because it makes me flashback to architecture school crits which are eerily similar to the dish presentations.

Less of this guy, please.
The Event- Was mildly interested for a few episodes, then I just 'forgot' to watch it... I like the aliens/gov't conspiracy side of it, but please no more whiny-douchey facial hair guy fumbling after his kidnapped girlfriend. Honestly, I just met these people, I couldn't care less about them right now, get back to the aliens! [Of course maybe that has happened, perhaps I'll catch up on hulu sometime]. And please learn how to do meaningful flashbacks.

Community- Do you watch television/movies? This show will try to reference as many as it can in 30 minutes, and strangely enough it works. Pretty funny, great casting. Although I'm not looking forward to a non-NBC network copycatting the show's style and making it lame.

More of this guy, please.
30 Rock- My favorite comedy on TV right now. Every line has an immediate/eventual payoff, and you can ask Cas: this show manages to make me laugh out loud. Not an easy feat. This season included Tracy Jordan being picked up by Discovery Channel's Cash Cab. Pure gold.

The Office- Due to trivia Thursday evenings, I only get to see a bit here and there. Seems like the same, reliable show. We'll see what happens when Steve Carell is gone.

Fringe- My overall current favorite program. Manages to fill in most of the hole that LOST left inside of me. I'm always amazed how easily they have figured out to have a show take place in 2 universes at once [usually the Twin Towers are the clue]. Good stuff, keep it up!

Antiques Roadshow- Well, this or anything on PBS helps me avoid the commercials during Prime Time. Just a quick jump to spend 3 minutes learning about the history and value of a mid-19th century wooden desk, then back to the show! [First million-dollar appraisal below]

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