
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

02 February 2011


Early Wednesday- the plow just couldn't keep up!
'Twas fun driving
Chicago's third-snowiest-storm-on-record is now history, and yes we managed to survive. Although my early commute home Tuesday took two hours [no thanks to some moron who ran out of gas in a center lane on I-88 only 30 minutes into the storm...], everything else went smoothly. Full cupboard, check. Power only flickered a few times. Watched a whole slew of The Wire season 4, although Cassie still had to work thanks to her laptop. And it's looking like my snowday will be repaid on Saturday in the office. Still, can't say it wasn't a little exciting.

My apartment parking lot was finally plowed around 4pm, and we dug out the cars to avoid doing it tomorrow when the temperatures are going to be brutally cold. It's the storm that keeps on giving. 
Snowplow aftermath
Gotta climb it, right?

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