
Travel [a journey, especially to a distant or unfamiliar place]
Velleity [a slight wish or tendency: inclination]

08 June 2011

Zephyr Trip: Day 6 [Engage!]

Day 6: San Francisco, Marin Headlands, Muir Woods
Did I wake up knowing today [April 6th, 2011] was "the day"? I suppose so. The forecast at the time was calling for showers the next two days, so if I wanted a guaranteed-sunny day, this was it. Originally I had considered driving to Yosemite or Mendecino, but in the end it would have been too much vacation time wasted in a car. So I told myself Muir Woods was the place... unless we came across a spectacular view.

Uncle Andy drove us to the SFO airport very early to pick up our rental car- early enough that it was still dark on our first pass over the Golden Gate Bridge. After getting our SUV [free upgrade!], we drove downtown to Washington Park to get breakfast at Mama's. However, due to a strange [for a breakfast joint] 8 AM opening, we were a little early. We used the extra time to hike to the top of Filbert Street and walk around Coit Tower. By the time we had soaked in our first panoramic views of the Bay Bridge and the Golden Gate, Mama's had opened. Very tasty 'California' omelette for me, French Toast Sampler for Cas.

Fort Point Gopher
We set the GPS for Muir Woods, but detoured a bit when the route took us past the top of Lombard Street- I just couldn't resist idling down the 'crookedest' street in the world. We also decided to stop near Fort Point, which is at the southern end of the Golden Gate Bridge. Again, amazing views of the Bay and bridge from both shore and pier.

Over the G.G. Bridge
After hopping back on Highway 101, we took the Golden Gate Bridge northbound [bonus: free in this direction]. I remembered Uncle Andy mentioning the nearby Marin Headlands as worth a stop, so we turned towards these hills that overlook the Golden Gate Bridge.

Something to call home about...
We found a small turnout overlooking the City, Bridge, and Ocean- and I knew it was time to get the ring out from hiding in my camera bag all week. I waited for other tourists to move on, and soon it was just Cassie and I on the overlook. During a 'lens change' for my camera, I 'dropped' a lenscap to give me an excuse to get down on one knee. When Cas turned around I had the ring out in the open, and asked "Will you marry me?" Yes, original writing, I know. She smiled, I hope a little surprised [other than the fact that she had helped me pick out the ring]. I stood and put it on her finger, where it has been most of the time since! The next 15 minutes involved calling the folks, texting, getting the GPS coordinates of 'the spot' and taking a few pictures.

The Marin Headland Drive
We continued our Marin Headlands drive [with a sparkly ring in the open] past the outdated naval batteries. Eventually passing through a 1-lane tunnel, we were back on route for Muir Woods. We stopped at a Whole Foods to pick up some pesto, salami, bread and cheese for a mini-picnic then drove down a narrow, winding road to the Muir Woods National Monument.

No picnicking allowed inside the Park, so we scarfed down lunch in front of the Main Gate. After a brief gift-shop stop, we started following the stream north. Soon the trees of the famed Cathedral Grove were towering over us. The tourists began to thin out, and we hiked through the quiet woods and up the switchback sides of the valley, passing a banana slug on the way. After a brief stop at a campground, we headed back downstream. Couldn't have asked for better weather for our first National Park/Monument visit!

Coit Tower
Bay Bridge, early
Christopher Columbus & Alcatraz
Mama's - now open for business
Descending Lombard Street
FYI: suspension bridges are cool
Fort Point hummingbird
Pier near Fort Point
That boat almost has my name on it!
She didn't even know
View from Marin Headlands
Where it all went down
Learning on the Muir Woods trail
Winding through Cathedral Grove
Taller than your average tree
Yes those are people down there
If a tree falls in Muir Woods... make a bridge out of it
Banana Slug on the trail
More coastal redwoods
John Muir mirror
It's official!

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